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AA  34 AAB  1 269  AAE 348  AAO 789  AAO
AAZ 18 AAZ 911 ABA  817 ABE 1 ABZ 61
ABZ 65 ABZ 207. ABZ 852. 8 ACB.  
ACZ 9 ACZ 220 ACZ 222    
53  AD AD  5185 8 ADB 830 ADL. AE 12.
1650  AE AFA  301 AGL  761 910 AGT 293  AJO
203 AH.        
AHK  828 AJJ 1 AJZ 3 AJZ 75 AJZ 100
AJZ 800 AJM  4G 792  AKK AKZ 3 AKZ 111
ALA  857 N1 ALL ALZ 9 ALZ 33 ALZ 59
ALZ 600  ALZ 786 ALZ 800 ALZ 2222 375  AME
LI AMS S3 AND K3 ANE 32   ANK ANU  352
6 ARK 872  ARU 3  ATD.    
ATM  791 998  ATN AVC 99.   113  AVJ
DI2 AWS 35  AYW 15 ARK. 3 AS. ASH 201.
37 B 458  BAB 338  BAB.    
    BAS  411 BAS  895 BAZ 8
BAZ 15 BAZ 51 BAZ 60 BAZ 80 BAZ 86
BAZ 800 BAZ 938 45  BB BBC  765 198  BBD
284  BBE 594  BBK 48 BBP. BBZ 90  
777 BCA.       523  BCG
1  BCN 1  BCW BCZ 222 BDZ 11 BDZ 60
1  BEC BEN 379.      
  BED  512. 32  BG 6084   BH 1  BHD
886 BHP. 2  BHS      
BIL  946 BJ  227 BJI 388 28   BJS.  
3  BJK 4  BJL BJZ 400 BJZ 900  
833  BKC 91  BKN BKZ 848 52 BLE. C1 BLE
G4 BLE T44 BLE 848  BLG BLZ 308. 776  BNG
B6 NJY 441  BNN BNS  2 BNZ 67 BNZ 280
BNZ 350 BNZ 777 BNZ 944 BO  7436 BOI  219
644   BOJ BOL 3S BOR  706 5393   BP BRK  569
11 BRM . BRU 5S. BS  8033    
BSG  1 BSL 206. BSM 947 1  BTL 446  BTP.
331   BVB 28   BVF 333   BRX 7 BX BXI 545.
136  BXX 222  BYX.      
BWE 1R BWK 1Y 6489  BY 612  BYU BZ  7368
45 CAH. 453  CAL. CAS  409 FA51 CAT.  
CAX  504 CAZ  9 CAZ  800 2  CBS CBZ  890
1800 CC. 602   CCJ 1167  CD CDZ 46 CDZ 80
CDZ 91        
20  CEF CGC  972 926 CHT. CJ 19. CJK  135
R111 CKY. CLZ  16      
645  CMO CNZ 21 CNF  546 175 CNR. 834 CNR. 
822  COD. 828  COD. COW  729 61  CP  
CPW  175 8903  CR CRD  460 CSA  793 4  CSB
2  CSH CSK  571 CTE  68 806  CUH 32  CUT.
1  CVM 544   CVJ 810  CWP 7  CX CYR  11S
358  CYY   1208 D.   A1 DAD.
10  DA DA  8161 DAD 50N 8  DAG DAZ 15
DAZ 40 DAZ 50 DAZ 202 DAZ 600 DAZ 900
DC  9790 DCH  215 DCK  816 DCO  794 DCZ 19
DCZ 35 16  DD 5447   DD 4  DDJ DDZ 3
DDZ 80 DEA 1V DEL 1N. DES 51E DFL  943
DHE  387 1  DHE DIL  292 DIL   938 DIL  94
DIW  344 8  DJS 12  DK 13  DK VII DKA.
625  DKE 690  DKF DKZ 70 DL  5382 853  DLA
DLZ 5 DLZ 600 77  DMR 9  DMS DN  767
1  DNC 1  DNF 374  DPG 3474  DP 3907   DP
9583  DP. DPC 989. 2  DPS    
D3I DRE D33 DRE. 464 DRA. DRN  498 L8 DRO
307   DRX        
DS  9202. DSL  736 DSO  7 186 DTB.  
DUI 90 51 DU. 2221  DU 8074  DU DV  336
555  DVE 809  DVF DYF  691 635  DYV DW 3.
60 E C12EAM.      
EAZ  786 888 EBL. 155 EBP. EBZ  444 ECZ 3
7176 ED. EDZ  90 41 EE. 765  EFH 100  EG.
24 EHW. EJD  595 EJI  1 1  EHG EIL  31
EIL 49 EIL 55 EIL 69 EIL 90 EL  1276
ELZ 35 ELZ 40 ELZ 50 ELZ  60 ELZ 83
ELZ 144 ELZ  212 ELZ 450 ELZ  460 ELZ  888
ELZ  1111 ELZ 1946 ELZ 1949 ELZ 1951 ELZ 1952
ELZ 1953 ELZ 1957 ELZ 1959 ELZ 1962 ELZ 1965
ELZ  1967 ELZ  1968 ELZ 1976 ELZ 1978 729  EON.
EN  9223 1 ERG 851 ERR. 1  ESF ES  6235
ESK  698. 20  ET 157  ETH ETK  247 879  ETR
EWP 402.        
11  FAB. 308  FAM 309  FAM 318   FAM 319   FAM
326   FAM 332   FAM 334   FAM 346  FAM 354   FAM
FAT 71.
800 FAY.      
  FAZ  8 FAZ 52 FAZ  360 FAZ  411
FAZ  888 FAZ 1210      
16  FB 33  FB 41  FB 10  FC FCJ  65
FCZ  360 932  FDH FDZ  788 FDZ 986.  
FEK  888 305 FG. 918  FGC    
1  FGM 830   FGN 793   FGO 59  FGY FHH 747.
FHU 462. FIL  51 FIL  385 FIW  47 13  FL
25  FL 1  FLJ 312   FLX 372  FM 142  FOB
60 FOD.        
790  FOW 562  FPO FPW  972 1  FSJ 728   FTE
605  FXA 5 FY. 10  FY 1302   FZ FZ  6616
G 84. G  204 GAS 307.    
GAZ  80 GAZ 700 GAZ  929 GAZ 3000  
GBZ 9 GBZ  420 GCD  151 5  GDS GEM  45
22  GER 111  GEU 1  GGR D6 GGY GHH  633
GIA  20 GIB 154. GIB  403    
GIJ  425 GIL  8 GIL 48    
GIL  84 GIL  88 GIL  420 GIL  530 GIL 888
GIW  142 13  GJ 702   GJJ GJI 1 GJI  2
81 GLW. WI GLY 444  GMD 90 GMS. 638  GOO
34  GR 30  GS. GRT  643 GSL  761 338   GTM
788  GTM GUI 60 GUI  105 770  GUV GVE 503.
73 GWJ. 372 GWE. 619 GWN. GXI 318 5  GY
784 GYC. HI  GYE 383  GYW 9163  GZ N19 HAT.
HAZ 25 HAZ 40 HAZ 315 HAZ  786 54  HB
HB  8567 TO5I HBA. 792   HBC HBZ 3 HBZ 20
HC  6930 HC  7796 15  HC 1  HCH  
HDT  54 C6 HEN      
751  HEW HFR  716 HGL  191 1  HHB HIL 35
HIL 55 HIL 180 HIL 360 HIL 550 HIL 839
HIL 1941 HIL 1944 HIL 1954 HIL 1956 HIL 1960
HIL 1974 HIL 1976 HIL 1977 HIL 1980 HIL 1985
HIL 1987 HIL 1988 8  HJ 2515  HJ  
HJR 167. HJS  826      
HK  5370 8274  HK 351  HKE. HKZ  1 HL  9164
3  HL 56  HLN 10  HN 9407  HN 10  HNS
HOR 5E S33  HOW HOY 281.    
783  HP 7 HR. HRR 54. HS  9276 1  HTW
3  HU 966  HUE HUI 900 731  HUO HWA  325
658  HWD HZ  8888      
1827  IA 4954 IB.      
  IAZ 80 IAZ 900 ICZ 600 IDZ 6
IDZ 8 IIB  998 IIL 16 IIW 19 IIW  566
IJ  348 658  IJ 6575  IJ IJI  66 IL 7111
IL  9937 435  IL IUI 260 IUI  275 IUI  288
IUI  318 IUI  356 IUI  375 IUI  400 IUI  412
IUI  420 IUI  512 IUI  523 IUI  528 IUI  747
IUI  840 IUI  944 IUI 968 IXI  744  
JA  6574 JAA 957. JAA 345.    
  JAZ 11 JAZ 40 JAZ  51 JAZ  111
JAZ 115   JAZ  220 JAZ  786 JAZ  800 321   JB
JBZ 3 JBZ 5 JBZ 90 JBZ 95 JBZ 888
428 JCG. 9   JCY.      
8  JCM JCR  804 JCZ  800 JCZ  888 JDZ 8
JDZ 14 JDZ  800 53  JE 222   JEE 23  JF
624  JGC 911  JGC JGK  56 883 JGW. JHJ 777.
JIB 16 JIB 40 JIB 87 JIL  40 JIL  50
JIL  55 JIL 511 JIL  730 JIL 1941 JIL 1943
JIL 1945 JIL 1949 JIL 1963 JIL 1972 JIL 1975
JIT 111.        
6  JJC JJI 6 JJI 33 JJS  37 JJS  46
JJV  545 777   JJX      
987 JKN. 7  JLS 866  JMB JMC  275 20  JMC
2148  JN 398  JNW 860  JOA JOD 455.  
JOM  3L 5  JON   299  JOR.    
166  JOT JPS  8 JR 7412. JRN  581 9  JRS
41  JS 51  JS JSE  5 1  JSJ 623 JTO.
JT 1938.        
JUI 14 JUI 47 JUI 150 JUI 1968 JUI 2000
1  JUT JVS 426.      
JVT  915 JWH  936 JWU  306 JXV  459 12  JY
26 K. KB 1631.      
  1  KAK KAN  863 KAX  52. KAZ  33
KAZ  252 KAZ  313 KAZ  336 KAZ  400 KAZ  414
KAZ  500 KAZ  610 KAZ  740 KAZ  888. KAZ  911
KCG  16 KCK 896.      
KFA  813 KFS 1.   994  KHU 83  KHY.
KIB 33 KIB  924. KIB  950    
KIJ  72 KIW 99 KIW  840 KIW  999 KIW 9999
19  KJ KJI 8 KJI 60 KJI 91 38  KJ
KJW  719 KKE 11Y 871  KKJ 10  KM KMJ  969
852  KOA 1 KOO. 260 KON. KOO  240  
1081 KP. 664  KPO. KPH  30    
269  KPO 951  KPO 2200  KR 4655   KR KRU 5E.
602  KRE 328 KKR. 30 KS. KSB 555. KSL  325
KSV  129. 720   KTA 735  KUE 5167   KV  
5441  KV 8357  KV KV  4644 5529  KX KXI 70
KXI 166 KXI  374 KXI  424 KXI  555 KYD 3Y
35  L 955  LAC LAZ 3 LAZ 51 LAZ 60
LAZ  600 2  LAP LCN 348. LCM 2. LDP  721
LFC 581. LFO  643 1  LGK R1 LEY LHF  96
LIB 12 LIB 26 LIB 50 LIB 545.  
LIL 37 LIW 50 LIW  626 1788  LJ LJI 34
LJI 40 LJI  229. LJT  11 1  LKB 71 LKN.
J1 LLJ. 61 LLY      
LM  2872 31  LM N33 LMA. LMO  214 333 LOM.
12  LN LNJ  78 346 LPC. 906  LPK.  
285  LRA LRD  895 LRL  390 53  LS BI LSX
1  LTS 812  LUA LUI  1 LUI 91 LUI  1959
LWW  441 T3I LYS 2  MA    
MAS 322. MAR 7Y MAZ 5 MAZ 11 MAZ 450
  MAZ  99 MAZ 5555 3  MBC MBD  965
MBF 87.        
874  MBH MBM  225 MBZ 4 MBZ 14 MBZ 18
MBZ 24 MBZ 101 MBZ 400 MBZ  540 MBZ  700
MBZ  990 MCD  41D 6  MCM    
2079 MD. 3  MDM 574 MDT. MDZ 70  
409  MEA DI2  MED 5  MEH MEJ  200.
5053   MF 5491   MG 11  MGB MGS 207.  
    MIB 40 MIB 71 MIB 80
MIB 219 MIB 9669 MIL  81 MIL 360 MIL 539
MIL 3000 MIW 40 MIW 250 MIW  700 MIW  900
9  MJG MJE 7. MJI 967 MJI 999 MJN  614
6  MJM MK 181. MKO  768 ML  6016 4699 ML.
866  MMB S19 MMY      
MO  19 493 MOF. R3 MOP
MOS 55 MRA 11.
B110 MRA. MSL  753 9  MSP    
MTY  455 9181 MU.   MVL  490 MWO  400
8217  MX MXI  319 MZ  5258    
71 N 71 NA NAP  151 NAS 455.  
NBE  974 NBJ  886 4485 NB.    
810  NCG NCY  805 15  ND NDO  609 NDV 910.
D14 NEH. NEJ  607 K3 NEL 10  NES YV02 NES.
YV03 NES. 1  NET NEV IIIE. 3  NF NFB 22.
NFE  719 6426   NG NG  4 NG  2513 4 NGE
MR52 NGH NIB  40 NIB  48 NIB 282 NIB 550
NIK  219 NIL 14 NIL  800 NIW 13 NIW  939
3  NJ NJH  585 NJI 30 NJI 33 NJI 47
NJI 60 NJI 76 NJI 90 NJI 122 NJI  199
NJI  300 NJI 600 NJI 646 1  NJY B6 NJY
378   NKT NMK  511 NMO  239 15  NL 4 NNE
B3 NNN 498  NKL 742   NMJ 9691  NO 806  NOB
8  NOJ 737 NOU. NOW  10 NOW  847 246 NPJ.
4 NNS NP  9345 NSO 12.    
NSR  48 7  NTO. 18  NTT 111 NUO. M3 NUS
NV  1304 2371  NW NWO  305 NXY  1. NZ  1562
529  OAF OAZ  786 OBL  1 OBZ 11 OBZ 111
100  OD 7 ODD ODP  444 12 OG OHP  826.
OHP  446. 8449  OI 8474  OI 9699   OI OIL  1
OIW  911 360  OO GII OLF OLH 878. 1  OME
W1 ONG        
1  ORK 12  ORY 1  OSE OSL  806 12  OT
14  OT 6 OU OVX  50 1  OWS M3 OWS
OXI 6 OXI  459 OXI 538 OYH  162 769  OZ
3120  OZ        
BH02 PAL. 786 PAL. PAX 1. PAZ 14 PAZ 66
PAZ 121 PAZ  777 PBP  735 PBS  11 PBZ 9
27  PC PC  7970 3  PCS 8  PDB 1  PDF
PDY 266.        
PDZ 25 1309  PE PEG  993 PEM 9. PG 138.
7486  PG PGM  4      
2523   PH PHD  5 PHR  222 PIB 35 PIB  40
PIJ  237 PIL 51 PIL 57 PIL 115 PIL151
PIL 1123 PIW  202 PIW  222 PIW  456 PIW  570
PJI 34 PJI 42 PJI 55 PJI 99 PJI 999
2 PJK.        
111  PJX 4537  PK 527   PKK PMJ  688 POI  407
POI  419        
12  POT POT 77S. 3767  PP 33  PPG PRK  803
CH02 PRA. CH03 PRA. 5 PRH. PRM 2.  
5  PRS PSD  238 PSJ  262 PSL  651 PTD  33
PTP 914. PTS  170 PUJ 4M    
PW 19. 23  PW 2 PWC. PWT 555. PXB  673
PXP  999 1  PYM 1  PYR    
336   R 74 RA 44 RAB. RAC 15M  
RAH 1D RAN 1A. RAZ 10 RAZ  911 RBS  9
1  RBY 53  RC 1554  RD    
RD  3435 RD  4197 RDR  307 RDZ 30 RDZ 80
RE  572 G8 RET RFK  898 RGH  891 RGS 335.
RHA  321        
907  RHK RHR  648 RIA  966 RIB 77 RIL 30
RIL 37 RIL 66 RIL 376 RIL  377 RIL  378
RIL  379 RIL  678 RIW  1 RIW 11 RIW 23
RIW 35 RIW 37 RIW 40 RIW 45 RIW 60
RIW 70 RIW 80 RIW 103 RIW 400 RIW  600
RIW  900 RIW 320 RJI 5 RJI 22 RJI 93
RJI 131 RJI 136 RJI 694 RJI 964 RJI 967
RJM  7 RE 7062. 54  RK 4142  RK  
    715  RMU 51  RN
277  ROD 824  ROD ROI  344 18 ROG. ROY 24.
91  RR   RRG  1. RRD  288  
71  RRR 73  RRY 1  RRY 3  RSC RSL  844
6 RSM RSV  794 RSV  931 6 RT 191 RTC.
RTP  234        
RUG 63R RV  2989 1942   RW RWX  191 RXI 95
RXI 500 848  RYA G8 RYE RZ  1942 RZ  8143
SAD  392 244  SAL. 2 SAG. 3 SAM.  
SAY 23. SAZ 24 SAZ 5000    
851 SBJ.   SBH  835 SBM  750 SBZ 33
SBZ 424        
13  SD 504  SDE SDK 701. SDO  766 SDZ 4
SDZ 944 421 SFC.      
R4 SHA.   SIB 40 SIB 50 SIB 599
SIB 700 SIB  845 SIB  950 SIJ  605 SIL 5
SIL 25 SIL 35 SIL 60 SIL 246 SIL  308
SIL  328 SIL  348 SIL  450 SIL  451 SIL  735
SIL  840 SIL 1114 SIW 37 SIW 40 SIW 70
SIW 101 SIW  404 SIW  730 SIW  800 SIW  900
6 SHM SJI 12 SJI 30 SJI 35 SJI 38
SJI 65 SJI 85 SJI 700 SJI 961 SJN 474.
5  SLC SLK  529 SLR 100.    
    6666  SM  9222 SP. SNU  411. 
1  SOJ SOP 11E. SOP 111E. SOU 18.
    SPC 185. 1554  SR SR 3458.
SRG 70. 3  SSC 2  SSP E5 SSX.
ST 8761. 73  ST 958  STD STU 412T SUE 296.
SUT 21. 747  SVU SWD  366 5  SWS  
SXI 1 SXI 333 SXI 800    
TA  5833 TAA  695      
V32I TAS TAZ 1 TAZ 21 TAZ 54  
TAZ  353 TAZ  535 TAZ  537 TAZ  786 TAZ 1985 
TCT  108 PI5 TDR TDZ 80 TDZ 500 17  TED
8 TE. 1979 TE. 40 TG. TGN  664 2  TGW
801  THE 444 THY.   TIB 21 TIB 84
TIB 968 TIJ  304 TIL 14 TIL 17 TIL 37
TIL 1952 TIL 1966 TIW 520 TIW 800 39 TJ.
TJI 32 TJI 40 TJI 80 TJI 300 TJI 450
TLB  308 TLW  747 23  TOM TPX  240.  
8 TR. 37  TR 8063   TR    
TSK  855 TSL  389 33 TST. 1  TSY YV03 TTE.
100  TTJ        
TTT  136 65  TU 7512 TU. 28   TUE 1  TUL
TUL 622. P61 TUS.      
TVL 455. TVR 61. 6  TVR 2445  TW TWC 3.  
TWS  90 TXI 8 TXI 58    
TXI 350 TXI 800 TXI 888 TXI 980 J11 UAN.
UAR  738 UDK 156.      
  UEA  1 UEN  920 UI 5334 UI 6526
UIA  456 UJO  519 856  UKL UKW  793 675 UOO.
UPD  760 377  UTN.      
UUS  2. UVJ  841 UVX  729 UWL  503 UYB  4
449  UYD UZ  6755      
54 V     980  VAL VAZ  40
VAZ 45 VAZ 221 VAZ 550 6922  VB VBR  334
VBZ  911 3893   VC 7040   VC VCD  959 VCL  518
VDL 404.        
VDP  671 VDR  414 T124 VEL. H48 VEY. VFO  911
1  VGM VHJ 400. VIB 70    
VIL 14 VIW  750 VIP 1 VJI 14 VJI 50
VJI  961 VKX  413 VLP  445 VOI  461 212  VPA
VPC  936 783  VPH. 27  VR VSJ 279.  
VT  8017 727  VRT      
VTK  623 22  VS 8 VV VVC 9X VVS  950
3023  VW 7988  VW VXI 1    
8322 WA. WAA 295 WBN  106 11  WC 9547  WD
WDP  134 2220 WE. 2089 WE. WEA 5S   WFF 348.
WFJ  70 33  WG WHL  38.    
WHR  955 WHV  606 WIA  629 WIB 60 WIB  600
WIB 786 WIJ  47 WJI 5 WJI 41 WJI 44
WJI 47 WJI  600 WJI 944 WKG  255 872  WKK
69  WKR. WKV  586 273  WNK 860 WNO.  
WP  96        
WP  9299 WPA  706 WRE 1D 792  WRL. 56 WS.
WSP  6 WTP  787      
6588   WU WUH  820 WVE  45 WV  3768 WW  2933
WWC  593 182  WWC 497   WYB WYG  66 9386  WZ
WZ  1598 XAV 55.      
XAZ 600 706  XBH XBZ  91 XBZ  900 XCJ  889.
5 XE.
F1 XER.      
480  XHT XIJ  88 XIJ  577 XIW  79 XIW 2000
3724   XJ XJ  9941 XJI 4 XJI 8 XJJ 158
XKN  968 XKR  728 XL  391 XLJ  444 M4 XOL
497  XPA        
XRX  956 XTW 25. XUD  322 XXI  777 YAA  991
455 YAL. YAM  952 1  YAP 1  YAR YAZ  550
YEL  882 80 YER DI YES D8 YES  
11  YCC YFC  360 YIJ 56    
YIJ 57 YIW 91 YJU  453 YJV  529 YOK  439
785  YOO 11  YP YRD  630 YRO  576 YS 2176.
YSL  851 YTC  464. YTL 10. YW  8500 YYS  5.




VRM Swansea coordinates the entire transfer of your personalised registration with DVLA* Swansea and local DVLA* Local Offices in the United Kingdom & Northern Ireland when you opt for our Full Transfer or Sale Service. Our expert team will provide you with instruction and telephone support if you choose our less expensive DIY Transfer Service. An online 'Purchase Offer' supported by suitable payment card takes priority over any other enquiry. VRM Swansea sell number plates owned by clients, government stock and our own stock on a 'first come, first served basis'. All registrations offered for sale are subject to availability and payment is taken only once availability and price are confirmed**. Our systems record telephone conversations and the date and time of all communication. We shall debit your payment card if your offer is accepted and provide confirmation either way**. Under the distance selling regulations we must inform you that our service begins immediately upon payment being taken, that no cooling off period or refunds are given and you will not be able to change your mind. Your instructions will be acted upon immediately and the assignment /transfer process started to ensure your choice is not sold by us to anyone else. This is a Government process which the Government will not cancel or change once they receive our instructions. Please be absolutely sure about your selected number plate before placing your order.

**In the case of pre-release new-issue offers we will take payment prior to the registration mark series release date in order to confirm your desire to proceed and ensure we do not offer the registration mark you have chosen to anyone else.If for any reason your offer is not accepted by the Secretary of State for Transport on the release date, then you will receive a full refund by the payment method you have used to make your offer. The Secretary of State's decision to accept or reject your offer is final and we cannot be held responsible for it, in any way. If your offer is rejected then you may choose another registration subject to sufficient funds being pre-lodged with us.

Personal and personalised registrations shown within are subject to transfer fees,vat. & availability                       


© Copyright VRM Group 2001-2005  E&OE

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Numberplates For Less
Number Plates 4 less
Numberplates 4 less
Number Plates for sale
Number plates
Numberplate for sale
Numberplates for sale
Number Plates For Sale Index
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Numberplate Regs
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Number plate for sale
Number plates for sale
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Number plate sales
Number plate sale uk
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Irish car number plates
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Look up license plate numbers
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Make number plates
Make your own number plate
Make your own numberplate
Marks registration marks
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Make my own number plate
Make my own number plates
Making up number plates
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New number plates
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New car registration
New car registrations

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Number Plate 4 Less
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Numberplates For Less
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Numberplates 4 less
Number Plates for sale
Number plates
Numberplate for sale
Numberplates for sale
Number Plates For Sale Index
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Number plate reg
Number plate check
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Numberplate design
Number plate for sale
Number plates for sale
Number plate maker
Numberplate maker
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Number plate manufacturer
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Number plate sales
Number plate sale uk
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Personal car registrations
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Personal Plates
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Personal registration
Personal registrations
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Personal registration numbers
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Private numberplate
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Private car numberplate
Private car number plates
Private car numberplates
Private car plate
Private car plates
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Private car registrations
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Private number plate

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Private number plate uk
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Private numberplates
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DVLA* Register Of Number Plate Suppliers

From 1 January 2003 all number plate suppliers in England and Wales will be required by law to register their details with DVLA*. From that date a business will be unable to trade as a supplier unless it is registered.
A Number Plate Supplier is someone whose business consists wholly or partly of supplying number plates i.e. finished plates that incorporate the registration mark of a vehicle registered with DVLA*. Manufacturers, distributors, assemblers, motor factors, motor dealers and retail outlets including on-line retailers could fall within the scope of the scheme provided that they supply the finished product. Motor dealers who refit their used vehicles for sale with replacement number plates would be classed as number plate suppliers.
If a business supplies only blank plates or other components or materials it will not be required to register. People who manufacture plates solely for their own use, rather than supply to third parties, are not within the scope of the legislation e.g. a fleet operator who assembles plates and fits them only to vehicles in his fleet. As he does not supply the plates, he is not a supplier for the purposes of the legislation. However, if the business supplies plates for any other purpose eg for an employee's private use, it is regarded as a Number Plate Supplier.

Those exempt include :

Number Plate Suppliers who only supply plates for newly registered vehicles.
Number plate suppliers who do not sell plates in England and Wales.
Manufacturers of number plate components who do not sell complete plates.
Businesses that assemble plates for their own use or fit them to their own vehicles but do not supply them to anyone else. (A motor trader who fits new plates to used vehicles to sell on is not exempt because the plates are supplied along with the vehicle).


Liasing with the DVLA*,DVLC on behalf of our clients, we are registered to supply license plates, transfer personalised number plates, personal registration marks, cherished number plates, custom number plates, private number plates nationwide

We can be found on the DVLA* register of number plate suppliers